Tchibo continues to support higher minimum wage
In Bangladesh, the protest for a higher minimum wage continues. The national government has already announced an increase. As the process, however, is not yet finalized, Tchibo reiterates its support for a higher minimum wage that will cover the basic needs of the workers and their families, including some discretionary income, and earned during legal working hours.
Together with ACT on Living Wages , Tchibo expresses profound concern over the violence resulting in injuries and fatalities among individuals involved in recent wage protests and urges the authorities to protect all people affected, including those exercising their right to freedom of association and assembly in line with international standards.
It is absolutely crucial that no workers are discriminated against in their current or future employment or detained for exercising their right to freedom of association and assembly in line with international standards and local law.
With respect to the recently announced minimum wage in Bangladesh, all ACT members continue to support a higher minimum wage that will cover the basic needs of the workers and their families, including some discretionary income, and earned during legal working hours. We urge the relevant authorities to continue engagement with trade unions on their request to further review the minimum wage that was recently announced.
ACT member brands believe that a long-term sustainable RMG industry requires progress towards living wages, and that minimum wages are an essential mechanism to achieve progress. ACT member brands recognise their role in supporting wage developments and commit to reflect the increase in minimum wages through purchasing practices. We will continue engaging with all key stakeholders to implement these commitments.
ACT members further recognise the importance of regular and frequent wage increases in ensuring that wage gains are not steadily eroded through cost of living increases. In line with ILO* Recommendation 135, this should be achieved through a regular minimum wage review which enables annual inflation and productivity increases to be taken into account allowing predictability and smooth adjustments.
* ILO: International Labour Organisation