Our distribution system
Demand regulates supply - and this supply, i.e. the products or services, should be available as easily and quickly as possible. Like at Tchibo. Since the business was founded in 1949, this has been one of the company's core ideas.
After all, it was no coincidence that Max Herz opted for the postal distribution channel. It was more convenient, quicker and clever for the customer. It quickly became clear that there was much more potential. In the decades that followed, Tchibo not only expanded its product range - in both the food and non-food sectors - many times over. The distribution system was also placed on various stable pillars and has been very successful ever since. In addition to distribution via the Internet and around 900 Tchibo stores around Europe, our products are also available from specialist retailers, such as bakeries and drugstores, and from grocery stores.

The scent of ground beans, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the exciting world of Tchibo experiences: The heart of Tchibo beats in the shops. This is where the fascination of "coffee" is brought to life. The first branch opened in Hamburg's city center in 1955, six years after the company was founded. Today, over 550 Tchibo stores are a familiar sight in German city centers. The coffee, non-food and bar areas form a harmonious triad of offerings in today's branch world. The uniform arrangement means that every customer can quickly find "their Tchibo product.
There are now Tchibo shops in Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland, Hungary and Turkey. Regular training ensures that our employees have the same level of knowledge and information. This is important because good advice should not only be friendly, but also informative.

The establishment of depots in bakeries in 1963 marked the start of the large-scale expansion of the Tchibo roasted coffee distribution network. Today, customers can find products from the Tchibo and Eduscho coffee range at depot partners from a wide range of retail formats, such as grocery stores, bakeries and drugstores.

Founded in 1949 as a mail-order company, Tchibo shipping is repositioned in 1996. In addition to the coffee range, non-food products can also be ordered by catalog, the shipping magazine. The shipping magazine is published monthly and contains the range of Tchibo coffees as well as a compilation of four sales phases each.From 1997, Tchibo can also be found on the Internet and expands its direct business in the direction of online business. Customers have the opportunity to view and have delivered Tchibo roasted coffee range, all non-food offerings and attractive additional offers at www.tchibo.de, www.tchibo.ch, www.eduscho.at, www.tchibo.pl, www.tchibo.cz, www.tchibo.com.tr, www.tchibo.sk, www.tchibo.hu, www.tchibo.sk and tchibo.us. Several times a year, Tchibo runs special online promotions and special offers that are available exclusively on the Internet. Tchibo is now one of the strongest providers on the online market.