
Tchibo stands for a unique business model. We operate around 900 shops in eight countries, about 24,200 retail depots and national online shops. With us, customers can discover really good things every day: coffee, the single-serving systems Cafissimo and Qbo, the weekly changing non-food ranges and services such as mobile communications. With 10,708 employees worldwide, we achieved a turnover of 3.2 billion Euros in 2023. We are the roasted coffee market leader in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary and are one of the leading e-commerce companies in Europe.
Categories of this website
Here you will find the company history, information about our multichannel distribution system and facts and figures about Tchibo.
Here you will find press releases about the company, regarding coffee, Cafissimo, and Qbo, about non-food products and cooperations, our commitment to sustainability, about Tchibo MOBIL and your contacts for journalistic enquiries.
We are sorry for the inconvenience, but currently our press releases are available in German language only.
Tchibo Stories
Here, internal and external authors write on topics of life & work, on people & responsibility, provide information and stories on coffee & passion and the beautiful & new section.
We are sorry, but currently the majority of our stories are available in German language only.