In Hamburg we stick together
500 Christmas presents, 451 pounds of donated pasta and 4 bazaar containers of old clothes for men were donated by employees at the Tchibo headquarters in Hamburg a few weeks ago... We are proud of our colleagues, because a lot was raised! Tchibo will add the same amount of coffee (for the pasta per pound) and women's underwear (for the old clothes per item) on top, thus doubling the amount donated. There were many interesting insights and impulses at our donation talk. That's what we call a successful donation day!
Impressionen vom Spendentag und spannende O-Töne von unseren Sozial-Partnern von der Hamburger Tafel und Hanseatic Help aus der Podiumsdiskussion hier nun im Video!
Patrick Jatsch, Food Bank Hamburg: The children are delighted with their Christmas presents and often have tears in their eyes when they open them. They don't take the gifts for granted.
Jan Henrik Hellwege, CEO Fod Bank Hamburg: We have just had a general meeting and realised that Tchibo is in third place for donations in kind! That's what you want as a non-profit organisation, for Hamburg to stand up for Hamburg and help each other. It's a real friendship. Coffee is a luxury item, and we are particularly pleased about this! When the smell of coffee wafts through the house, it's time to take a deep breath. And we hardly ever get pasta because of the long best-before date. THANK YOU TCHIBO!
Kai Weise, Hanseatic Help: Partners like Tchibo are very, very important to us, as we receive many needs-based textile donations from Tchibo, we meet here as equals, the other way round, if we need underwear, for example, we ask Tchibo. And either there are some, or not for another two months. We are very happy about that. The same goes for the highly motivated employees, many of whom help out voluntarily.