An intact environment is essential if our business is to be fit for the future. A top priority for Tchibo is therefore to continue expanding our protection of the climate and conservation of resources in our supply chains, at our locations, as well as in the transport and shipping of our products.

Conserving resources, protecting the climate

In Germany and the vast majority of our international business units, magazines and all advertising material have been printed exclusively on FSC®-certified paper since 2013. By changing to more economical models in our field service vehicle fleet, we have succeeded in cutting average emission levels to 120 g CO2/km.

Saving energy, reducing emissions   

We review all our business processes and apply our environmental management strategies. Tchibo has changed to sustainable energy at all its sites in Germany, and has also supplied customers with its own green power product – Tchibo Green Energy, certified under the ok Power label – since 2010.

Transport and shipping  

Our Logistics Towards Sustainability (LOTOS) project, launched in 2006, has reduced transport-related carbon emissions by over 30 % by streamlining the efficiency of our transport processes. All post and packages have been shipped using Deutsche Post DHL‘s GoGreen scheme since 2012.


Facts & Figures

Kids‘ Energy Transition has begun! 
The KINDERGIEWENDE (Kids’ Energy Transition) aims to create a platform for children’s ideas about responsible energy use and climate protection, and motivate others to join in. The project is a partnership with the S.O.F. Save Our Future environmental foundation. 10 euros are donated to the foundation for every new Tchibo Energy customer. For further information: