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To deliver first-class coffee enjoyment at the click of a button, Tchibo uses only coffee from 100% certified sustainable sources for its Cafissimo capsules. Tchibo not only sets high sustainability standards for Cafissimo coffee, but also for the machines and capsules. Tchibo experts are continuously developing the Cafissimo system so that we can provide top-quality coffee long-term – for responsible coffee enjoyment today and into the future.
Cafissimo – Enjoy. Responsibly.
To be able to guarantee 100% sustainably grown coffee, Tchibo works with internationally accredited labelling organisations. Together, Tchibo and the organisations help to promote environmentally and socially responsible farming methods, protect the environment, and preserve an intact habitat.
All raw coffees used in the Cafissimo standard range and the origin varieties are 100 % from coffee farms that meet the certification standards of the Rainforest Alliance Certified™ or the UTZ Certified sustainability program. In addition, in 2013 two Grand Classé editions featuring 100 % Fairtrade certified coffee were offered for the first time. Tchibo plans to expand its collaboration with Fairtrade in the future.

Cafissimo and sustainability: coffee, capsules and machines
When it comes to sustainability, Tchibo not only applies high sustainability standards to its coffee, but also to the capsules and machines. We are confident about achieving progress towards capsules made from recyclable materials in the foreseeable future. The switch has not yet been made because the flavour and freshness of the coffee cannot be perfectly guaranteed – and the quality of our coffee remains our most important asset. At this time, the capsules are to be disposed of as household waste. They are thermally utilised as a substitute fuel for power and heat generation.
The Cafissimo system consists of a machine and capsules that are perfectly matched. We have made improvements to our Cafissimo machines, which have significantly increased their energy efficiency. For instance, we were able to shorten the standby time of our Cafissimo CLASSIC to seven minutes. This step minimises the Cafissimo CLASSIC’s power consumption in standby mode.
The 2-step pressure-brewing system and efficient heating (about 30 seconds) of the small Cafissimo Picco make for fast and easy preparation. The Cafissimo Picco is also very energy efficient, as confirmed in its ‘ECO TopTen’ review by the Öko-Institut eV ( EcoTopTen is an Öko-Institut information campaign to promote sustainable consumption. It recommends ecologically leading-edge products that are environmentally friendly and energy efficient, of high quality, and deliver good value for money.