2012 Business Ethics Award

In November 2012, Tchibo GmbH was a recipient of the “Business Ethics Award”. Since 2000, the German Business Ethics Network (DNWE) has bestowed this accolade on initiatives for putting business ethics since into practice. According to the DNWE, Tchibo received the award for “exemplary efforts on the way to becoming a 100% sustainable business in the coffee and non-food sector.”

2013 CSR Award from the German Government

The federal government bestowed its CSR award on Tchibo for exemplary, responsible business conduct. The award was first presented on 24 April 2013. Tchibo was honoured for “comprehensively focusing its business on sustainability and social responsibility, taking into account its entire value chain”. www.csr-preis-bund.de.

2013 European CSR Award 

Tchibo is one of the first companies to be honoured with the European Commission’s European CSR Awards, which made their debut on 25 June 2013 in Brussels. The EU award is based on the German CSR award, which Tchibo had won at the end of April 2013 in the category ‘Large Companies’ for its efforts towards exemplary, responsible business conduct.

Supply Chain Sustainability Award 2013

From use of resources and product manufacture to distribution: Tchibo follows a strategically embedded sustainability approach across its entire value chain. For this commitment, Tchibo won the Federal Logistics Association (BVL) Supply Chain Sustainability Award in March 2013. 

2013 Gold medal for Sustainability Communications in Retail

This award is administered by Germany’s Verbraucher Initiative (consumer initiative) in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Federal Environmental Agency. The score indicates that we among those German retailers who keep their customers informed about their sustainability activities in a consistent and credible manner.